PS400H Automatic Kebab Maker Machine

НЕАКТИВНА Публикувана:24.07.2024
Прегледи: 138

Цена По договаряне

1- Skewering without manual task with observing hygienic principles.
2-Similar skewering, that cause the better barbecuing and not pouring kebab
3-Suitable appearance quality
4-Similar baking of kebab
5-Simple operation process
6-No contamination transmission
7-Time and Energy savings
Kebab is one of the popular food in Iran and all over the world. To prepare and cook kebab need to use modern and high quality kebob equipment. Pooyasanat Company has many years’ experiences to producing kebab making machines in different models.
Pooyasanat Company as manufacturer and supplier of restaurant equipment relying on the actual production to make the development of the commercial kitchen equipment.
This company by manufacturing modern kebob cooking equipment and exporting this equipment to all over the word like Canada, USA countries, Asian and Arabic countries is the pioneer of this industry in the world.
The kebob production equipment which is designed and manufactured by this company are:
• Automatic kebab Skewer machine
• Automatic Skewer washer
• Automatic barbecue Machine
• Salamander grill
• Automatic Skewer Kebab Grill Machine

One of the most selling kebab machine which is designed and manufactured by this group is Automatic Meat Skewer Machines model PS400H.
This model of kebab machine is countertop model with a small size that is recommended for small restaurant and commercial kitchens due to its small space and low or medium capacity.
Automatic kebab skewer machine model PS400H equipped with hydraulic system and two sensors for high safety, automatic counter and emergency switch, pressure regulation system and the capability of quick adjustment of meat.
Weight and mold of kebab is custom (dimensions and weight of kebab), meanwhile the cover of machine is stainless ste

Допълнителна информация

Име на компания: formex export

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00 90 534 829 26 94


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