What are the prices for GPS tracking of cars

What are the prices for GPS tracking of cars

Big business often means a big investment. Many of the richest people think the more you invest, the more you earn. However, for business to be successful, unnecessary costs need to be minimized. By running a large company, it is not always possible to monitor the actions of your employees.

Unfortunately, this leads to misuse of company resources and working hours. Many large companies are complaining about too high fuel costs for corporate cars. This is often due to employee theft.

In such cases a good investment that works for the benefit of the company are GPS tracking devices. These devices are mounted in company cars and give you access to every car route, fuel level, and more.

Prices for GPS tracking are not high, considering how much money they save. As you can keep track of company car activity, you can easily detect abuses by your employees and react quickly and adequately.

GPS 7 is a company offering GPS devices at an extremely affordable price. In addition to tracking each car's route, you can also turn off the engine remotely when you have unusual activity.

GPS 7 offers two packages of GPS tracking devices. The two packages offer the same services but the one requires an initial investment of $ 250, then a monthly payment of $ 10. If you choose the other package then you will not have to invest in a device but just pay $ 25 each month.

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