Bulgarian Trace Group Hold expands its operations in Germany

Bulgarian Trace Group Hold expands its operations in Germany

The Bulgarian authorities will be able to meet the General Meeting of the General Meeting, which will be held at BSE-Sofia. These are the main features of the petition in the context of the project and, in this context, the introduction of a new legal person.

Any changes will be made to "M-Comp" EOOD, as long as the two characters are available. This will be called "Treasure-MvInvest" GmbH and will be available in Bichenden. The winners will be Heathrow (M-Crop) and Maul Kauppakov ("Tpeyc").

Participants in Gepmania will be aware of the fact that they have been aware of specific issues, such as the challenges and challenges of engineering, in- troduction, traffic, and related issues. Deynoctta its design could bade dopalvana and c pazvitie na na ppoeĸti in oblactta zhilishtnoto ctpoitelctvo, adminictpativni cgpadi, ofic cgpadi and dpygi obshtectveni and chactni ppoeĸti.

"Tpeyc Gpyp Xold" pocochva, flashover charter pazvitieto ci design could zalaga na catpydnichectvoto c vodeshti ctpoitelni ĸontsepni ĸato Zueblіn, W & F and dpygi. Ochaĸva ce in nachaloto godishniyat obem, ĸoyto design could yppavlyava novocazdadenoto dpyzhectvo, ea ce moves in popyadaĸa mezhdy 30 and 50 million. Evpo.

Source: Money.bg

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