Идея №:1146 Публикувана:17.07.2013
Taking advantage of the opportunity that you give, I would like to present a revolutionary invention of mine (an innovation) of unique nature before the potential investors, business crises and scientific organisations. I have created a formula, through which football (soccer) games can be predicted with probability of 75-80%. The formula is created on the basis of previous events – football (soccer) indicators of the respective championships, like rating, etc.
I have been observing the championships for 14 years, I have been extracting and processing the data, I have been analysing. This predictability of 75-80% refers also to the teams with equal opportunities, which are neighbours in the ranking. The predictability is valid to the same extent for games with equal outcomes, and for games, where the winner is the guest-team as well as for these ones, where the winner is the hosting team!
The formula is based on several principles, which build a working model. The final result is a function with multiple parameters...In order to make the formula function, one must know how to extract the data, how to convert it and how to combine it exactly. The formula contains over 2 000 configurations and each configuration has many options, which gradually, while filling the data, eliminate themselves and only the most successful one remains!
In brief, I have brought the statistical data of previous football (soccer) games, like points, goal ratio etc. to a mathematical model.
In support of my invention, I will dive some examples for similar mathematical models, which are used by the police in the United States of America and in other countries in order to prevent crime:
Sush a program is the so called CRUSH.
There is also a similar program, called ''The eye of coscious", developed by DAPRA...
I am not a foreteller; I do not possess such abilities. I am not acquainted with drawing numbers; I am not dealing with lotto.
For the time being, the formula is still inadequate for serious staking but that will be overcome with tenacity - it will take time. Yet, it will be and it will stay of an invariable value, it will not be an ephemera!
Do not forget that everything, created by man or that is a product of human activities, can again be deciphered by man!
In order to continue the development of my formula I need protection! I will observe with interest your possible offers for support.
Thank you!
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