Another step towards true artificial intelligence

Идея №:1935 Публикувана:16.12.2016
Прегледи: 8298

To create AI dream of many. Experts around the world are working on turning science fiction into reality.

We have made a breakthrough in this direction and created the first website in the world for online trading driven by artificial intelligence.

AIS is an innovative unique development. This is a self-learning artificial neuron system that can provide information to customers and sellers of everything connected with the site.

Called AIS stands for Automatic Information System and can speak with hundreds of visitors simultaneously in different languages.

AIS sentences breaks and can make its own logical conclusions.

Alone make changes to databases, prepare payment and allocate funds received from customers participating in the transaction providers and manufacturers sent their ballots make their reductions generate monthly and annual reports for each vendor in the system and prepares and reports.

AIS actively helps customers online when choosing a product.

AIS has access to all databases on the site manages and all public resources on the Internet.

Can communicate with hundreds of customers and suppliers simultaneously 24 hours a day.

Currently we instructed her. Still can not cope absolutely alone, where there are difficulties transferred to an operator person, but learns quickly and the trend is one day when accumulate the necessary knowledge in the neuron network to take over all the functions of the operators.

Currently online platform and all activities related managed only two people and AIS

AIS is not a simple chat bot. It breaks AIS sentences meaning to the words in them and make logical conclusions.

On the following link you can see a demonstration of the work of AIS with customers.

AIS as a system could find application in a wide range of activities.

Wherever currently used operators, secretaries, administration in the public and private sectors.

Worldwide there are also a huge number of online platforms, shops, portals served currently by live operators.

AIS can be sold as software that individual users train themselves to cover their needs.

It can also sell ready and trained neural networks of AIS to solve specific problems.

Our system has many possibilities but marketing and advertising we are weak.

We need specialists in this field so we can develop it.

Funding we need for the appointment of relevant experts, to improve the software to be easily applied and adapted for other platforms as well as an advertising campaign.

At this stage we do not yet have prepared a business plan

Intellectual property is ours.

The company is registered in Bulgaria

Published on: 16.12.2016 Views: 4149
Коментари: 0


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