Master franchisees from Greece and the Balkans region are wanted.

Идея №:556 Публикувана:24.07.2011
Прегледи: 8462

Opened offers are: 1) A US Quick Service Chicken Restaurant (QSR) with 58 years of experience and more than 1,700 locations worldwide, including 450 international restaurants. 2) America's Leading Engine Performance Car-Care company, with 30 years of experience and nearly 400 shops operating in 7 countries. 3) A US Upscale Golf Center Franchiser with nearly 20 years of experience, and more than 60 locations worldwide. 4) A US Coffee Cafe, established in 1976, currently with over 80 locations under contract around the world.
Published on: 24.07.2011 Views: 4231
Коментари: 0


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