Profitable business with little investment

Идея №:986 Публикувана:19.11.2012
Прегледи: 18692

Looking for a serious investor who wants to invest in a profitable business idea. It comes to less investment, but good gains. My proposal is that it is' Business of herbs. "Herbs are - old natural medicine, which treat people. In Bulgaria there are over 4,000 such. They are the foundation of homeopathic medicine, drugstore and healing tea. And so it is logical to have extensive trade with them as they wanted, valued and important. They are known as medicinal plants because they contain active substances themselves as alkaloids. Research has shown that herbs are in Strandja presence of alkaloids in 119 species. Other active substances in herbs are glycosides. Has a qualified staff concerned with Herbs years! If interested in my offer, please contact me at e-mail: [email protected], and Skype i_v_a_n_e_s_k_o
Published on: 19.11.2012 Views: 9346
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