For sale workshop for the production and processing of herbs and spices with a photovoltaic power plant

ОФЕРТА №:33596 Публикувана:01.11.2022
Updated on: 25.09.2023
Прегледи: 14460

Price 440,000 EUR

The factory is located 20 km from the city of Plovdiv, at the foot of the Rhodope Mountains. The cycle is closed because we have our own plantations of herbs that can be processed (dried, chopped, separated into a final product). The factory can process both all kinds of herbs and spices. It has a large production capacity. The processing machines are of high-class ALPINNE - Germany.

The photovoltaic power plant, which is designed on the roof of the factory, would contribute to free electricity for the production and sale of excess energy.

We have created 4 types of tea blends, specially developed by a professor from the Food and Taste University in Plovdiv. These blends contain selected herbs to bring maximum effect to customers who drink the tea. The blends are: DETOX, SLIM and FIT, IMUNNO, ENERGI and POWER.

We have launched an online store where customers can purchase our products. There is a real interest in exporting to Germany, as the first contract with a German intermediary company has already been signed. With the description of our business, we want to show that everything is created from plantations, through processing, and to the end customer, and the entire process is closed.

The factory for the production and processing of herbs and spices is registered as a collection point for wild herbs and mushrooms, so they can be collected and processed as well.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 5 Year of Establishment: 10.07.2003 Annual profit: 100,000 EUR Included equipment: Трактор New Holland, сеалка, косачка, ремарке, 2 броя леглови сушилни с голям капацитет, 1 бр. Резачна машина за билки, 1 бр. Сепаратор за троино почистване на билките или подправките ALPINNE, 1 брой СИТО -Машина за направата на определен размер на билката. Company name: ЦЕХ ЗА БИЛКИ И ПОДПРАВКИ с Фотоволтаична централа (ФЕЦ)

За контакт

+359 (877) 18 33 27