Hardware and home accessories business for sale

ОФЕРТА №:34299 Публикувана:14.03.2023
Updated on: 27.09.2023
Прегледи: 10834

Price Negotiable

We are offering a working business mainly for construction materials and hardware, but also for bassically everything to do with home renovation, household appliances and goods, home accessories. It is located in Mikrevo - on the motorway E-79 and  15 km from the city of Sandanski.
In the price are included the available assortment, plus the real estate and the property. The store has been working and developed for over 20 years and has many longstanding clients from all over the region.
The building is located right in the village centre and in front it is a large parking space for more than 10 cars. The property consists of a plot of around 500 m2 ,including a large basement, the ground floor on which the store is located, a second floor which can be used for various purposes with a separate entrance. Also includes a gated and walled backyard, currently used for storage area. The roof is flat and can be used to install solar panels. On it currently is antenna for telecommunicating company, which provides a passive income. The second floor and basement can be used for various different purposes, including additional buissnes opportunities. The store is situated on the exact path of Struma highway(E-79) and the newly constructed border road to North Macedonia.

The business is without any outstanding obligations to the authorities and other partners. We are selling the business due to retirement.  


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