An aesthetic center beauty salon is for sale

ОФЕРТА №:34421 Публикувана:11.04.2023
Updated on: 17.07.2024
Прегледи: 8046

Price 160,000 BGN

An aesthetic center beauty salon is for sale. The salon has an area of ​​50 sq.m (the premises remain rented) and includes 3 separate rooms, a reception area, a storage room, a kitchenette, a toilet, and a terrace. The equipment is of the highest level for laser hair removal, neuromuscular stimulation, body shaping, radiofrequency lifting, IPL, picolaser, skin diagnostics, water dermabrasion, and other aesthetic procedures. There are many regular customers, both old and new. Additionally, a dermatologist visits us once a month to perform Dermal fillers. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 1 Year of Establishment: 21.12.2018 Annual profit: 70,000 BGN Included equipment: Апарати за: лазерна епилация, нервно-мускулна стимулация, оформяне на тяло, радиочестотен лифтинг, водно дермаабразио, вапозон, диагностика на кожата и друго по-малки апарати Business properties included: Няма Included goods: Козметика
Website: Company name: Теорея ЕООД

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