Business Door For Sales/Trade/Payments

ОФЕРТА №:34591 Публикувана:03.05.2023
Прегледи: 2002

No price

We connect Centralized Finance with Decentralized Benefits and create a new improved business formula and the opportunity for more advanced trading, flexibility for the client and the company, greater choice of digital tools and advanced global solutions.


Available for all markets and countries.


For more information and free consultation, send a message to [email protected] 

Companies and organizations that have already added De--Fi solutions:

Restaurant Brands International — the parent company of Burger King.
Etsy — American e-commerce platform for handmade items and articles.
Wikipedia — the largest virtual encyclopedia in the world, accepts Bitcoins as donations.
Microsoft — the company allows the use of cryptocurrency to reload user accounts.
KFC Canada — the fast food company decided to use Bitcoins.
Virgin Galactic — the company founded by Richard Brandson and includes subsidiaries Virgin Mobile and Virgin Airlines, allows payment with Bitcoins. — Canadian multinational e-commerce company.
T-Mobile Poland — a Polish company for recharging mobile cards.
Mexico's Universidad de las Américas Puebla — University of Mexico.
Gucci — the high-end Italian fashion giant is the first luxury brand to officially accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.
Twitter — the worldwide social network.
and many others.


Application and sectors:

IT, establishments, healthcare, agriculture, art, industry, education, mediation, sports, construction, transport and logistics, tourism, trade, management, services, automobile, property, administration, etc.


No cost to implement and use the software. Free integration and training. For companies and individuals. It covers all European security directives.

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