Parcel with a photovoltaic power plant, Packaging workshop, Silo base, and Warehouse base

ОФЕРТА №:34695 Публикувана:26.05.2023
Прегледи: 5450

Price 6,200,000 EUR

We offer you the opportunity to acquire a unique property that includes a parcel with a photovoltaic power plant, packaging workshop, silo base, and warehouse base, all located on a total area of 80,000 square meters. The property represents an ideal opportunity for various business activities related to grain production, photovoltaic energy, and warehouse-logistics operations.


Property details:


  • Silo Base: The silos are GSI brand with a capacity of 12,000 tons of grain. It has a construction permit dated 28.02.2023 for expanding the silo facility with 3 additional silos and a capacity of 14,000 tons of grain.
  • Parcel: The land has an area of 40,000 square meters and is classified as Category 7. It has an approved plan for the construction of a 7 MW/h photovoltaic park.
  • Warehouse Facilities: The total built-up area is 6,000 square meters with a capacity for 2,500 pallet spaces. It features an installed racking system that facilitates warehouse organization.
  • Photovoltaic Power Plant (ФЕЦ): A photovoltaic park is built on the roofs of the warehouse and production areas. The total capacity of the photovoltaic power plant is 668 kW/h, providing electricity for self-consumption and the possibility of selling excess power to the electrical grid.
  • Packaging Workshop: Equipped production workshop with an area of 1,200 square meters, intended for packaging and wrapping goods.


This unique property offers opportunities for various types of business activities, such as grain production, photovoltaic energy, and logistics. The property is conveniently located with easy access to transportation highways and infrastructure, making it suitable for the development of your successful business operations.

For more information and viewing, please contact us using the provided contact details.

Phone number: 087 987 0000

Price: €6,500,000


Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of this unique property and expand your business potential. Call today and discover all the benefits that this property offers you.

Additional Information

Year of Establishment: 03.10.2016 Included equipment: Машини за пакетиране в отлично състояние Business properties included: Силозна База - Марка на силозите – GSI - Капацитет – 12 000т. зърно - Разрешение за строеж от 28.02.2023г. „Разширение на силозно стопанство – 3бр. Силози, капацитет 14 000т.“ Парцел от 40дка, 7ма категория с план за фотоволтаичен парк 5MW/ч Складови помещения РЗП 6000 кв.м. 2500 палето места Изградена стелажна система Изграден ФЕЦ - Изграден фотоволтаичен парк върху покривите на складовите и производствени помещения - 695KW/ч за собствени нужди и продажба в мрежата Оборудван пакетажен цех - 400кв/м производствени площи - 800кв/м складови площи

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