A developed bookstore in Varna

ОФЕРТА №:34717 Публикувана:02.06.2023
Прегледи: 4226

Price Negotiable

There is a unique opportunity to acquire a fully developed bookstore located right next to the entrance of Yordan Yovkov School in the city of Varna. The premises currently have the status of a food store, which opens up possibilities for diverse offerings and adds additional appeal.

The specialized bookstore offers attractive goods targeted towards children, guaranteeing a large customer base and potential for success. If you are interested, we can provide actual data regarding the profits that have been achieved thus far. Additionally, I personally will provide full support and assistance to the new owner for the continuation of a successful business.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 1 Year of Establishment: 26.05.2023 Included equipment: Оборудвана книжарница с ксерокс машина, машина за ламиниране и подвързване, климатик, бойлер, хладилна витрина за напитки, лаптоп, пос терминал и касов апарат Included goods: Продава се със и без стока
Company name: ЕТ Форте Джи-Юлиан Арнаудов

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