House for the Accommodation of Elderly People Project/Building + Design

ОФЕРТА №:34845 Публикувана:15.06.2023
Updated on: 08.02.2024
Прегледи: 5460

Price Negotiable

I am selling a school building in the village of Reselets, with a developed project for a house for the accommodation of elderly people. The price includes both buildings, the yard, the project, and all permits.



Total area (ЗП) = 1,084.95 square meters

Total built-up area (РЗП) = 3,545.92 square meters

Green area = 4,226 square meters

Maximum height (К корниз) = 15 meters

Density (Плътност) = 13.49%

Building coefficient (Кинт) = 0.44 Greenery coefficient (Озел.) = 52.56%

For more information, please contact us.

Additional Information

Year of Establishment: 14.10.2015 Annual profit: 0 BGN Business properties included: триетажна сграда едноетажна сграда двор обща площ - 8 040м2 Website: Company name: Фондация Спокоен Живот

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