Warehouse facility for sale in the city of Pleven

ОФЕРТА №:35287 Публикувана:04.09.2023
Прегледи: 3020

Price 1,290,000 EUR

The warehouse facility is located in the Industrial Zone of the city of Pleven, just 2.7 km (4 minutes by car) from the international road E83 - one of Bulgaria's main road arteries, providing a direct connection to the capital Sofia (175 km) and the city of Ruse (150 km).


The property consists of:



  • Warehouse space with 3 separate cells, each measuring 1,404 sq.m.
  • Additional space of 495 sq.m.
  • A 2-story furnished office building with 4 offices, completed in 2019.
  • A scale with a load capacity of 60 tons.
  • Additional built-up areas and common areas (green spaces, wooden gazebo, designated parking area).

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 20 Year of Establishment: 04.09.2009 Business properties included: Складово помещение с площ 4,707 кв. м., разположено върху парцел с площ 7,104 кв.м., както и административна сграда с РЗП 120 кв. м.

За контакт

+359 879236222