A business focused on the distribution and production of interior doors.

ОФЕРТА №:35895 Публикувана:13.12.2023
Updated on: 30.01.2024
Прегледи: 4750

Price 250,000 BGN

Selling an established business with over 15 years of experience in crafting interior laminate, veneered, and painted doors. The quality is among the best in the market, and the doors produced are customized to individual and non-standard sizes. The sale includes equipment, a website with good positions on Google, and a Facebook page with over 10,000 followers. The price also covers door components, laminates, paints, and other finishing materials, as well as samples for opening a store or for distributors. The equipment is located in a 700 sq.m. facility.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 7 Included equipment: двуетажна хидравлична преса , многолистов циркуляр , абрихт 40см , щрайхмост 60см , 2бр разкройващи церкуляри , кантираща , 3бр фрези , фалцова фреза , верижнодълбачна машина , борапарат 2бр хоризонтален и вертикален , кантираща , център Маx robotic, аспирация 4бр , машина за обмазване на фурнир , удобен и напълно обслужен бус с размери за товари 4.10/2.1/2.2 м. Business properties included: няма Included goods: наличен дървен материал , ламинати , мдф , бои
Website: hitdesigndoor.com/ Company name: Хит Дизайн Доор ЕООД

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