They are being sold as successful businesses - Ayurveda Clinic Sofia and Ayurveda Clinic Bansko

ОФЕРТА №:36264 Публикувана:12.02.2024
Updated on: 23.04.2024
Прегледи: 7516

Price 292,000 BGN

Initial Information

We offer for sale two Ayurvedic clinics located in the cities of Sofia and Bansko: Ayurveda Clinic Sofia and Ayurveda Clinic Bansko.


Qualified Indian doctors and therapists work in them, and original Ayurvedic products and herbal medicines are offered.

Both Ayurvedic centers are organized similarly and offer the same therapeutic methods, with Bansko also offering a full detox program called "Panchakarma."

The price of the two clinics is 350,000 BGN each without VAT, and this value does not include real estate.

The sale includes the business, standards, experience, reputation, customer database, websites, and registered trademarks.

The inventory of Ayurvedic products is paid at the delivery price.

The manager of the two clinics is a Bulgarian based in Sofia.

The main duties of the manager are: to manage the supply of medicines; to arrange visas for Indian employees; to increase revenue; to sell original Ayurvedic products and medicines on Amazon, delivered directly from India, and others.

Together, the two clinics fully meet the therapy and treatment needs of patients, while saving them the long and expensive trip to India.

Development Opportunities

Ayurvedic clinics in Sofia and Bansko, as well as licensed original Ayurvedic products and medicines, provide excellent business development opportunities:

-Opportunity to increase the number of patients in both clinics with advertising in Bulgaria and Europe;

-Sale of original Ayurvedic products on Amazon;

-Sale of original Ayurvedic products in Bulgaria and Europe through the online shopping platform NEXT BASKET, which provides delivery to 28 European countries.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 16 Annual profit: 190,000 BGN Included equipment: Напълно оборудвана аюрведична клиника в гр. София и 3 кабинета в апартхотел Лъки Банско Business properties included: не са включени Included goods: аюрведичните продукти се запащат отделно по доставни цени
Website: Company name: Аюрведа клиник София и Аюрведа клиник Банско

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