Developed grocery store

ОФЕРТА №:36459 Публикувана:08.03.2024
Updated on: 12.04.2024
Прегледи: 12830

Price 65,000 BGN

A grocery store located in Sofia, Vitosha district, established and operational for 6 years, is up for sale. The business includes inventory and equipment. It features video surveillance, air conditioning, security alarm system, internet, and commercial software with all necessary functionalities. The premises span 89 sq. m. and are leased. Fully equipped for operation. Adjacent to the store, there is a fenced courtyard with tables and chairs for customer use. The establishment consists of a large retail area, storage space, and a restroom. It has a developed delivery network and a loyal customer base.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 3 Year of Establishment: 22.01.2019 Annual profit: 500,000 BGN Included equipment: Хладилни витрини,стелажи,камери,кантари,бар код четци, компютри, камери Included goods: Хранителни стоки, домашни потреби, алкохол, цигари
Company name: Ерина 94 ЕООД

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