Developed cosmetic salon

ОФЕРТА №:36563 Публикувана:20.03.2024
Updated on: 21.03.2024
Прегледи: 4434

Price 190,000 EUR

The studio is 10 years old, with thousands of regular and loyal clients, a high rating, excellent reviews, and a Google award. The entire business is for sale, excluding the property, as it is leased and not for sale.

The business has a gradually increasing annual profit, a team of 5 people, a client database of 3000 people, of which 1000 are 100% regular.

The environment is luxurious and fully equipped with all necessary consumables for work.



- Actively indexed website
- Fully developed Facebook and Instagram pages for each studio
- High-quality equipment, work protocols, certificates, informed consents
- CRM - software system for managing both studios simultaneously with implemented features: calendar; database of clients, products, consumables, and partnerships; option for online appointments, etc.
- Contracts with partners

After the sale of the business, we offer training for you and your potential new employees on working with the equipment and managing the CRM system.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 5 Year of Establishment: 20.12.2013 Annual profit: 62,000 EUR Included equipment: Лазерна епилация Elysian pro, радиочестотен апарат с кавитация FOTORA SUPER SHAPE, HIFU, професионална машина за калцуни, комбиниран апарат за лице 7 в едно- 2 бр. WISH PRO, Парозонатори, дарсонвали, кушетки, професионална машина за диагностика на кожата, каса, касов апарат, пост терминал, лаптоп и мн др. Business properties included: Няма Included goods: За над 20000лв
Website: Company name: KA BEAUTY STUDIO

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