50% of the property is for sale with a buyback condition in exchange for rent

ОФЕРТА №:37582 Публикувана:14.08.2024
Прегледи: 2384

Price Negotiable

I am selling 50% of a property with a buyback condition in exchange for rent. The property is located in the Industrial Zone in the town of Targovishte. Since 2011, production activities for manufacturing confectionery products have been carried out in the premises. The owner of the property and the manufacturing company is the same. The condition for the sale is the right to buy back not earlier than 3 years and up to 5 years. During this period, rent will be paid to the buyer, price negotiable.

For more specific information, please write to the email.

Additional Information

Business properties included: Промишлено помещение в Промишлена Зона със земя 7700 м2, Промишлени и складови сгради 1250 м2. Оценена от банкови експерти на 1,000,000 лв. Website: lukeria.eu Company name: Лукерия ООД

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