A developed business in the field of knitwear production is for sale

ОФЕРТА №:37688 Публикувана:30.08.2024
Прегледи: 1748

Price Negotiable

The company "Sentex 69" Ltd. began active work in 2001.

It is located in the city of Sofia.

The company specializes in the production of sweaters, hats, scarves, and accessories (elastics, cords, cuffs, collars, and others).

The main part of the produced items are mainly intended for export to countries of the European Union: Austria, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, and others.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 15 Year of Establishment: 30.08.2001 Included equipment: Плетачни машни марка Stoll (различни модели). Шивачни машини (различни видове и модели). Гладачни маси (различни модели). Website: sentex69.com Company name: Сентекс-69

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