Open your own bakery "Thracian Banitsa"

ОФЕРТА №:38373 Публикувана:09.12.2024
Updated on: 06.02.2025
Прегледи: 4770

Price Negotiable

"Thracian Banitsa" – Your Opportunity to Open a Bakery!

"Thracian Banitsa" is an established chain of bakeries with 12 operational locations and an in-house production facility for baked goods, adhering to European standards.

The first branch of our chain opened in the summer of 1994 in the heart of Nessebar. Since then, we've stood out for our perfect taste, courteous customer service, and relentless drive for growth!

The secret to our success lies in the baked goods we produce! Our flash-frozen pastries and banitsas retain 100% of their flavor and quality, allowing you to operate your bakery without relying on on-site bakers.

Take full control and train your staff in just a few days, enabling you to focus on your personal growth and business management.

If you believe in your ability to show consistency and manage your own bakery, we’ll teach you exactly how it’s done.

What you'll receive:

  • Comprehensive know-how with clear rules on how to manage a bakery.
  • 24/7 technical support for your equipment.
  • 24/7 communication via Viber and phone calls.
  • 24/7 advertising for the brand and specifically your location.
  • 24/7 delivery of pastries and banitsas.

Ready to get started?
Fill out the franchise form on our official website:, and we’ll contact you for a follow-up meeting!

It’s never been easier to be your own boss!

Additional Information

Included equipment: Професионален конвектомат със стойка Фризер ракла 400 литра - 2 бр шкаф с мивка шкаф - каса работна маса от неръждаема стомана хладилник тави размер 60/40 - 30 бр количка за тави стелаж с осветление светеща рекламна табела рекламно фолио касов апарат с договор за 1г. пълен комплект документи - БАБХ + работно време + НАССП wi-fi камера за видеонаблюдение wi-fi рутер Included goods: Първоначално зареждане баници и закуски - 600 бр
Website: Company name: Тра

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