A developed gas station is for sale

ОФЕРТА №:38986 Публикувана:18.03.2025
Прегледи: 844

Price 200,000 EUR

A gas station is for sale in the city of Vidin. It is located in a strategic area on a busy road leading to Danube Bridge 2.

The station is fully equipped with the necessary technical facilities and documentation, complying with the regulatory requirements for liquid fuel sales.

The gas station has four tanks with a total capacity of 40,000 liters, two double fuel dispensers with eight hoses.

The price and payment terms are open for negotiation.

Additional Information

Year of Establishment: 18.03.2002 Included equipment: цялостно Business properties included: Бензиностанция Included goods: налично гориво към момента
Company name: Мега Нефт ЕООД

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