Profitable Business for Sale – 2 Fast Food Restaurants with High Earnings

ОФЕРТА №:39047 Публикувана:25.03.2025
Прегледи: 5280

Price 130,000 EUR

I am selling my business – 2 fast food restaurants in prime locations. Monthly profit ranges between 12,000–25,000 BGN. High turnover, reliable and trustworthy staff. The reason for selling is that I am starting a different type of business and don't have the time to manage both. Annual turnover exceeds 850,000 BGN, fully verifiable. And this is achieved without social media, advertising, or deliveries. A ready-to-run business with great potential!
One location is a rented space in the city center, and the other is a privately owned mobile unit located in the parking lot of a large grocery store across from Metro.

Additional Information

Number of Employees: 7 Annual profit: 110,000 EUR Included equipment: Конвектомати 2 бр, топли и студени витрини , хладилни маси 2бр , фризери , професионални хладилници 4бр , професионални фритюрници , фурни и котлони на газ , професионални вентилации , маси и столове висок клас и мн др Included goods: Цялата налична стока

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