A meat manufactury for rent or Sale

НЕАКТИВНА Публикувана:24.07.2011
Прегледи: 13364

Price 1,000,000 EUR
+359988825284 Information: The company has a certificate of registration under № 2404036. There are established and operating Hasep sistema.Produktite that production are divided into two streams and technology are the following: 1.Razfasovki of pork carcasses. 2.Mleni and meat products. 3.Malotrayni sausages. 4.Polutrayni Shpekov sausages. 5.Pusheni meats and hams. When preparing the necessary documentation can be run and white meats / eg. chicken, turkey /. I sent you the pictures that I think you have seen. The price I want is 1 million euros, with a serious interest can comment. It is also possible participation. Listen Read phonetically Angelov

Additional Information

Year of Establishment: 24.07.2011 Annual profit: 1 EUR

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